【8/27 單日票】S2O Taiwan Songkran Music Festival

English Description, please Click here.



▃ 節目資訊 ▃

活動日期:2022/8/27 (六) 14:00~22:00

活動地點:大佳河濱公園 10號水門


啟售時間:2022/6/1 (三) 中午12點

購票方式:KKTIX、全台全家便利商店 FAMIPORT

票  價:


PGA享有: 1. 快速通關 2. 專用廁所 3. 專用動線 (飲料, 寄物, 代幣)

VIP享有: 1. 高景無濕看台 2. 獨立通關 3. 專用廁所 4. 專有吧台



▃ 購票方式說明 ▃

您的KKTIX會員需完成"電子郵件地址驗證"才能進行購票流程,請至https://kktix.com/users/edit 確認是否您的電子郵件已經認證完畢。提醒您請勿使用Yahoo、Hotmail信箱註冊及驗證,以避免驗證信未能寄達。
  1. 本節目網站購票僅接受會員購買,購票前請先"加入會員"並需完成"電子郵件地址"驗證,以便進行購票流程,建議可於會員"設定"中的"報名預填資料"先行存檔「姓名」和「手機」,可減少購票時間快速進行下一步。
  2. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您,在註冊會員或是結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用Yahoo或Hotmail郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
  3. 訂單成立通知信可能因其他因素未能寄達,僅提供交易通知之用,未收到訂單成立通知信不代表交易沒有成功,又或是刷卡付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試刷卡(即便收到銀行的授權成功的簡訊或電子郵件),若訂單逾期取消,則表示訂單真的沒有成立,請再重新訂購。一旦無法確認於網站上的訂單是否交易成功,請至會員帳戶的"訂單"查詢您的消費資料,只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的票券明細,若查不到您所訂購的票券,表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。
  4. KKTIX系統沒有固定的清票時間,只要消費者沒有於期限內完成付款,未付款的席次就會陸陸續續釋放出來,消費者可隨時留意網頁或是機台是否有釋出可售票券張數。
  5. KKTIX網站購票:
    • 加入會員,每筆訂單限購12張
    • 付款方式:信用卡(VISA/MASTER/JCB)、ATM虛擬帳號
    • 為強化信用卡網路付款安全,KKTIX售票系統網站導入了更安全的信用卡 3D 驗證服務,會員購票時,將取得簡訊驗證碼,確保卡號確實為持卡人所有,以提供持卡人更安全的網路交易環境。信用卡3D驗證流程為何?
    • ATM虛擬帳號付款注意事項:僅限於台灣金融機構開戶所核發之提款卡並已開通「非約定帳戶轉帳」之功能,每筆訂單若超過$30,000無法選擇ATM虛擬帳號付款,請務必於期限內付款,逾期未付款訂單將會自動取消
    • 取票方式:郵寄(僅接受郵寄至台灣地址、手續費每筆$80)、全家取票(手續費每筆$30/4張為限,請於全家便利商店繳納給櫃臺)
    • KKTIX購票流程圖示說明請點我
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort取票說明請點我
    • 選擇全家便利商店FamiPort取票請留意:請勿在啟售當天於網站訂購完成後馬上至全家便利商店取票,極有可能因系統繁忙無法馬上取票,只要訂購成功票券在演出前皆可取票,請擇日再至全家便利商店取票。
  6. 全家便利商店FamiPort購票:
    • 無需加入會員,每筆訂單限購4張
    • 付款方式:僅接受現金
    • 取票方式:付款完畢直接於全家便利商店櫃臺現場取票,免手續費
    • 全家便利商店店鋪查詢請點我
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort購票流程圖示說明請點我
    • 於全家便利商店FamiPort列印繳費單後,需在10分鐘內在該店櫃檯完成結帳,若無法在時間內完成結帳取票,訂單將會被取消,原本購買的席次將釋回到系統中重新銷售。
    • 於全家便利商店之購票動作皆於結帳取票後方能保證席次,請注意單憑列印繳費單無法保證其席次。


▃ 注意事項 ▃



1.    入場前須配合測量體溫,額溫超過攝氏37.5度者不得入場。
2.    全場需配戴口罩




  1. 依照民航局的要求,嚴禁攜帶氣球、空拍機、煙火、雷射筆,違法者民航局將依法開罰。
  2. 各式傘類、伸縮性自拍棒、旗桿、板凳、椅子、摺疊椅、躺椅、各式帳棚、刀械、棍棒與玻璃瓶類的物品或任何有可能有攻擊性的產品。
  3. 任何非法物品、毒品、易燃物品、爆裂物、高壓噴霧罐及標示不明物品。
  4. 所有香菸(已拆封/未拆封)、雪茄、火柴、打火機、電子菸、菸油禁止入場 (場內吸菸區將提供打火機及販售菸品)。
  5. 所有飲料食物 包含檳榔、口香糖、茶包、糖果或巧克力。(如血糖低或貧血可以至醫護站取糖果)
  6. 任何器皿,例如水袋、保溫瓶、保鮮盒、冰桶。
  7. 大型攝錄影機器<經主辦方核可除外>。
  8. 如有攜帶醫療藥品, 須標示清楚且附用藥證明,將由本活動之醫療人員進行評估, 是否可攜帶入場。
  9. 禁止攜帶水槍,現場提供水槍租借。
  10. 任何行李箱、18吋或45公分以上包包須至場外寄物區寄物。
  11. 禁止攜帶寵物(貓.犬.豬.兔等...導盲犬除外)。



  1. 防蚊液、防曬乳(高壓噴霧型禁止攜帶)。
  2. 坐墊、巧拼、野餐墊、懶骨頭、充氣沙發(以上物品僅能在草坪區使用)。
  3. 旗織/國旗 (請好好保管,特別要尊重國旗)。
  4. 行動電源。
  5. 手機或Gopro穩定器,伸縮型不可帶入場!
  6. 可攜帶化妝品,液態型化妝品及香水。



  1. 您的 2022 S2O 入場票券。
  2.  含照片之政府機構核發有效證件,如身分證件,駕照,健保卡,護照,國際學生證。
  3. 現金或信用卡。
  4. 愉快的心情。



  1. 本活動不得再次入場,請妥善保管票券、若票券遺失及毀損請自行負責,主辦單位無須承擔補票責任,雙日票僅限同一人使用,不得拆開轉售。
  2. 活動門票不包含飲料,不得攜帶飲料食物,如經查獲者,需於場外食用完畢或丟棄後才可入場,場內設有販售酒水及熟食區。
  3. 活動允許穿著拖鞋或涼鞋,但請勿赤腳,建議穿著全腳包覆的鞋。
  4. 未滿18歲不得入場及未帶證件謝絕入場 (請攜帶可用證件供主辦單位查驗,可用證件: 身份證件、駕照、健保卡或護照)。
  5. 活動會場內請理性飲酒,同時遵守喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒之原則。
  6. 為了保障大家的安全,此活動將會有駐場警察,與固定警隊巡邏。
  7. 本主辦單位對於行為不當者 (違法行為或嚴重妨礙其他消費者及干擾演出秩序之行為) 有權要求違反者離場,並禁止再行進入會場。主辦單位保有認定是否屬干擾演出秩序之行為之權利。
  8. 請勿購買來路不明的票券,如有發現販賣假票,經查獲將送警法辦。
  9. 為確保參與者的安全及交通品質維護,請使用大眾交通工具前往活動會場。
  10. 活動會場內經查獲未配戴活動手環者,主辦單位將強制補足為當日票。
  11. 現場如看見任何可疑、危險、違反規定之行為或是身體不適者,請立即協助通報鄰近的現場工作人員。
  12. 主辦單位保有最終解釋權,如查獲違禁品視同自願放棄。
  13. 消費者必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,一旦以虛假資料購買票券已經涉及「偽造私文書罪」,依照刑法第二百十條:「偽造、變造私文書,足以生損害於公眾或他人者,處五年以下有期徒刑。」 ,主辦單位及KKTIX皆有權利立即取消該消費者訂單,請勿以身試法!
  14. 本活動如遇天災及不可抗力之因素取消,退費辦法請詳見主辦單位斯邦奈有限公司粉絲頁之公告。
  15. 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意上述所有活動注意事項。
    https://www.facebook.com/S2OTaiwan 公佈消息為準。


▃ 退票方式說明 -「(必讀)購買須知」

依文化部於中華民國107年5月16日文藝字第10710128232號公告修定之『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第九條 退、換票之申請與手續費,主辦單位依照「方案一:演出前10天內不可退票,退票手續費上限為票面價格的10%。


  1. 任何個人因素退票需負擔10%手續費,活動前十天將不再受理退票,申請退款截止日將於2022年8月16日前(含)郵戳完成。若逾期、缺件或填寫不全,則無法受理。


  1. 退換票亦需整筆訂單退訂,無法退單張票券



  1. 票券正本(選擇全家取票,需先將票券取出)
  2. 姓名、電話、地址
  3. 銀行帳戶或數位帳戶存摺影本(需包含:匯款資料銀行、分行、帳號、戶名)

以掛號方式郵寄至:81361高雄市左營區文府路130號 斯邦奈有限公司 票務  收。


退票截止時間 :



退款時間 : 活動結束後30天,匯款至原訂購人帳戶。(遇例假日則遞延後一工作日)





係因不可抗力因素導致延期或取消,將另行公布退票辦法,詳請請見 斯邦奈 S2O Taiwan Songkran Music Festival 粉絲團。

⚠️服務時間:週一至週五 AM9:00~AM12:00 ; PM 13:00~PM18:00 例假日除外,E-MAIL至客服信箱:refund.s2o@spunite.com。客服信箱收到後將會盡快回覆您的問題。





English Description

[Ticket prices]

PGA enjoys: 1. Faster queue for entry 2. Designated toilet 3. Special line for (drinks, luggage, tokens)

VIP enjoys: 1. Higher view without wet stands 2. Designated entry 3. Exclusive toilet 4. Exclusive bar


[How To Purchase Tickets]

In order to purchase a ticket, your KKTIX VIP needs to be verified through email. Please go to https://kktix.com/users/edit to make sure your account is activated.
Note: please do not use Yahoo or Hotmail to sign up for the account.
  1. Tickets can only be bought by using a VIP account on this platform. Before buying a ticket, please sign up for a VIP account and activate the account through your email address. We recommend setting up your “Name” and “Phone number” first, so that you can save time during the purchasing process.
  2. We strongly advise you not to use Yahoo or Hotmail email addresses to protect your rights. This is because our email might end up in spam, get blocked, or be discarded, resulting in "order refused."
  3. You may not receive the successful purchase notification letter because of other reasons. If you did not receive the notification email, this does not necessarily mean that your order was not successful. If your card was declined, please try again within the payment period. Please purchase the ticket again if you did not pay during the payment period. You can know whether your purchase wassuccessful by checking your order at “order” in your account menu. You will receive a receipt if your purchase is successful. If you cannot find your ticket, your purchase was not successful. 
  1. The KKTIX system does not have a regulated time for ticket clearance. If customers did not pay during the payment time, those tickets will be released for others to buy. 
  1. Purchasing through the KKTIX website:
  • Must sign up for a VIP account. The maximum number of tickets that can be purchased per order is 12 tickets. 
  • Payment method: Credit card (VISA/MASTER/JCB), ATM transfer. 
  • Concerning credit card online payment safety, KKTIX uses 3D verification technology to protect customers' payment details. You will receive a verification text message when you purchase a ticket in order for us to make sure that the card holder is the same as the purchaser. Click here to know more about the credit card 3D verification process.
  • Important notice for ATM Virtual Account Payment users: This method is only available for ATM cards (with the feature of non-contracted account transfer) that was issued by Taiwanese financial institutions. This payment method will not work for orders that exceed $30,000. Please pay using other payment methods before the payment deadline so that your order won’t get canceled. 
  • How to get your tickets: mail (only Taiwan address, $80 processing fee per order), FamilyMart ( 4 tickets max/$30 processing fee per order, pay at FamilyMart stores)


{Precautionary Measures}

Health Precautions:

[In order to improve the safety of this event, please pay attention to the following matters]
In response to the epidemic prevention of (COVID-19), the following terms and  conditions must be met in order to participate in the event:

1. Body temperature must be measured before entering. Those whose forehead temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees will not be allowed to enter the venue.

2. Masks upon entry will be mandatory.
The event's organizer reserves the right to modify the event's schedule or cancel it at any time. The only reason for doing this is for the health and safety of the performers and the audience. Governmental restrictions, a rise in the severity of diseases like COVID 19, natural disasters, and other unforeseen circumstances are all used as justifications for such action. Any necessary changes will be reported in separate announcements.

Prohibited Items:

Any products that are found to be prohibited will be confiscated and thrown away.

  • Balloons, aerial cameras, fireworks, and laser pointers are strictly prohibited under Civil Aviation Administration regulations. The Civil Aviation Administration holds the right to penalize any and all violators in accordance with the law.
  • Umbrellas of all sizes, stretchable selfie sticks, flagpoles, benches, seats, folding chairs, reclining chairs, tents of all sizes, knives, sticks, and glass bottles, and any potentially offensive items may not be brought onto event grounds.
  • Any illegal items such as firearms, drugs, flammable items, explosives, high-pressure spray cans and unidentified items may not be brought onto event grounds.
  • All cigarettes (opened/unopened), cigars, matches, lighters, electronic cigarettes, and e-liquids are prohibited (lighters and tobacco products will be sold in the smoking area at the venue).
  • All drinks and foods that contain betel nuts, chewing gum, tea bags, candy or chocolate. (If your blood sugar is low or you suffer from anemia or sugar related diseases, you are welcome to go to the medical station where they will happily offer you something sweet to regulate your blood sugar levels)
  • Any utensils, such as water bags, thermos bottles, cooler boxes and ice buckets.


  • Large-scale video recording equipment <unless approved by the organizer>.
  • If you bring any prescription medication, they must be clearly labeled and come with a prescription certificate. The event's medical staff will determine if they can be brought into the venue.
  • Water guns are not permitted, water gun rentals will be available on-site.
  • Any luggage or bags larger than 18 inches or 45 cm in length must be sent to the off-site storage area.
  • Any form of pet will not be allowed: cats, dogs, pigs, birds, monkeys, fish, rabbits etc. (Service animals with certificate not included in the prohibition)

Allowed items:

  • Mosquito repellents and sunscreen (high-pressure cans not allowed).
  • Cushions, picnic mats, bean bag chairs, inflatable sofas (only to be used in the lawn area).
  • Fabric/Material flags, National flag (to be handled with care and respect at all times).
  • Mobile chargers, portable charging bank
  • Mobile phones or gopro stabilizers, retractable types are not allowed to be brought in!
  • Cosmetics, liquid cosmetics and perfumes.

Required items:

  • Your 2022 S2O Taiwan admission ticket.
  • Valid documents issued by government agencies with photos: Identity documents, driver's licenses, health insurance cards, passports, and international student ID cards.
  • Cash or credit card.
  • Good vibes!!


Re-admission will not be allowed (once you enter the venue you have to remain inside as you will not be allowed back in once you leave).
S2O will not be held liable for any loss or damages, please keep your tickets safe as the organizers and staff of S2O will not reissue your ticket.
The two-day tickets cannot be separated for resale and can only be used by the same person.
Tickets for the event do not include drinks and food. Drinks and food from outside the venue are not allowed. If found, you will be required to eat or discard it. The venue will have a sufficient amount of food and drinks available and we assure you that you will not be left hungry or thirsty.

Slippers or sandals are allowed for the event, it is advised not to attend this festival barefoot. We recommend wearing shoes (rubber shoes, waterproof shoes) that cover your feet properly.

Entry is not permitted for minors under the age of 18, nor is admission permitted in the absence of documentation (please bring necessary documents for organizer verification, acceptable documents include ID, driver's license, health insurance card, or passport).

Please follow the no-drinking and driving policy while consuming alcohol in the event space, remember to consume alcohol responsibly and seek help if you are feeling unwell. S2O employees and organizers will not be held liable for any damage or harm caused by the personal decision of event attendees to consume alcohol.

This event will have on-site police patrols with set police officers to ensure everyone's safety.

If someone acts inappropriately (by engaging in unlawful activity or doing something that substantially interferes with the flow of the performance or other attendees), the organizer has full authority to order them to exit the venue and restrict them from returning.

Please do not purchase tickets from unknown sources.If any counterfeit tickets are found to be sold, they will be sent to the police for investigation. If any counterfeit tickets are used to enter the event, S2O employees have full authority in refusing the ticket holder from entering the event.

We recommend taking public transportation to the event location in order to guarantee the safety of attendees and the preservation of good traffic flow.

Those who are found to have entered the venue without the event bracelet will be required to pay for a make-up ticket for that day.

Make sure to alert nearby, on-site staff right away if you notice anything suspicious, harmful, illegal, or if someone might be in immediate danger. A possible false alarm is better than no alarm.

Any confiscation of illegal items will be seen as a voluntary abandonment, and the organizer reserves the right to make the final decision.

Event guests must use their legal names and provide accurate personal information when purchasing tickets. According to Article 210 of the Criminal Law, "forgery or change of private documents, sufficient to cause harm to the public or others, shall be punished to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years" if the purchase of tickets was based on false information. The organizer and KKTIX both reserve the right to cancel your order at any time.
If this event is canceled due to natural disasters or other unforeseen circumstances, please follow the refund instructions on the Spunite Co., Ltd.'s fan page.

Please read the above guidelines carefully before purchasing any tickets.
When purchasing a ticket, you automatically agree to all of the terms and conditions listed above.

The organizer reserves the right to change the venue and the performers at any moment.
For any announcements, please refer to :

Return Policy – 「Purchase Notes」

According to the No. 10710128232 policy that was announced on 2018/05/16 by The Ministry of Culture, The No.9 statement of “Processing fee and application for return or exchange tickets” in『Art performance and activity event tickets standard form contract policy』stated that the organizer should follow the rule 「Tickets are NOT refundable within the 10 days before the event starts, Processing fee must NOT exceed 10% of the original ticket price.」

Important Notice for Returning Tickets]

1. A 10% processing fee will be applied if the customer returns the ticket/s due personal reasons, Tickets are not refundable 10 days before the event, The deadline for returning tickets will be 2022/08/16 (including postmark and delivery). A ticket will not be refunded if it exceeds the deadline, has missing files or files are incomplete.
Note: If the ticket does not arrive before the deadline, the company will contact the consumer using the information on the returned document to retrieve the ticket again. If the company is unable to contact the customer using the information he or she provided, the company will not be held liable for this problem.
2. Single tickets cannot be returned or exchanged; refunds and exchanges must be performed in units of orders.

Multiple fees (platform service fees, transfer fees, shipping, wristbands, and so on) are not refundable. Those expenses will not be refunded to the purchaser.

Attachments for Refunds:

1. Physical Ticket (If the ticket was purchased through Family Mart, please

print out the ticket)
2. Name, Phone number, Address
3. Bank account information or a copy of a digital account passbook (Please include: bank remittance information, branch, account number, bank account name)

Send by post through registered mail to:
No. 130, Wenfu Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813021, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Spunite Co. Ltd.

Deadline:Mail before 2022/08/16 (Tue).
The refund deadline is based on the postmark/arrival date. Tickets will NOT be refunded if they exceed the deadline.
Refund time: Refunds will be paid to the initial purchaser's bank account 30 days after the completion of the event. (If the payment date falls on a holiday, payment will be delayed until the next business day.)



We look forward to seeing you at S2O Taiwan 2022 !



⚠️Service hours: Monday to Friday AM9:00~AM12:00 ; PM 13:00~PM18:00 Service hours exclude holidays.

Customer service mailbox: refund.s2o@spunite.com



台北大佳河濱公園10號水門 / 台北市中山區濱江街5號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
GA 8/27單日預售票

2022/06/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/07/30 23:59(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$2,700
PGA 8/27單日預售票

2022/06/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/24 18:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$3,400
VIP 8/27單日預售票

2022/06/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/26 23:59(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$4,400
GA 8/27單日預售v2

2022/07/31 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/26 23:59(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$2,900
GA 8/27 現場票

2022/08/27 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/27 22:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$3,000